INWAT Member Benefits
Since 1999 INWAT has more than doubled in membership. INWAT now has more than 1200 members. As a network, INWAT:
- Provides contacts between individuals and organisations, primarily women, working in tobacco control.
- Collects and distributes information regarding global women and tobacco issues.
- Shares strategies on countering tobacco advertising and promotion.
- Supports the development of women-centred tobacco control prevention and cessation programmes.
- Assists in the organisation and planning of conferences on tobacco control.
- Collaborates in the development of publications on women and tobacco issues.
- Promotes female leadership.
Objectives and Scope of Activities
1. Compile and maintain information on women s tobacco use and exposure and serve as a central resource on women s tobacco control; assist in disseminating information and coordinating activities related to tobacco control and women.
The INWAT website maintains current information about the issue of women and smoking. This includes links to pertinent internet sites, such as the 2001 US Surgeon General’s Report on Women and Smoking and the 2001 WHO Report on Women and Smoking. Additionally, Reports on the issue of Women and Smoking from Canada and France are available as well as many presentations from INWAT Board members at various conferences.
2. Expand membership in INWAT through recruitment of new members, both individual and organizational.
INWAT membership has been expanded through the website and by participation at conferences.
3. Update and maintain an INWAT membership database and maintain a directory of members.
The INWAT membership database is maintained regularly to reflect current member information. Members receive an update request each year.
A membership directory was produced in 2001 and 2003. An updated directory is currently in production. These directories help members find others in their regions working on the issue of women and smoking.
If you like to become a member or update your information, we ask you send us an e-mail at: information (at)
4. Expand and strengthen formal and informal alliances with women’s organizations as well as organizations currently involved in tobacco control promoting assurance that women’s’ issues in tobacco control are addressed by those organizations.
Through all forms of media—website, newsletters, directories, press conferences, and worldwide presentations—INWAT represents and reinforces the issue of women’s issues in tobacco control. INWAT members comprise the leading experts on tobacco-control issues and influence their own agencies as well as the other agencies who consult with them on their expertise on women and tobacco.
5. Encourage women’s leadership in tobacco control; promote women spokespersons for tobacco control; encourage conferences to have women leaders serve as keynote speakers and participate on conference panels.
INWAT members continue to be part of planning committees in various capacities for conferences worldwide. The INWAT board regularly is asked to suggest topics and speakers for these conferences.
6. Maintain a communications network among members.
In addition to the website, INWAT produces and mails three newsletters each year to inform its membership.
7. Continue to assist others in the development of strategic plans on how issues related to women and tobacco should be addressed, both domestically and internationally.